The role of metaphors in the formation of a journalistic picture of the world (based on the materials of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts. Kazakhstan")

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  • I.A. Arsenyeva Russian Language Institute of the Patrice Lumumba Russian University of Peoples' Friendship
  • N.V. Pomortseva Russian Language Institute of the Patrice Lumumba Russian University of Peoples' Friendship
  • М.Б. Шиндалиева School of Media and Film, Almaty Management University


journalistic picture of the world, metaphor, conceptual analysis, source domain, target domain


In this paper, on the basis of the method of conceptual analysis, metaphorical models of journalistic discourse and the journalistic picture of the world of citizens of Kazakhstan, which they form, are presented, including their ideas about various spheres of life: political, economic, cultural, social, etc. Metaphorical models with the conceptual spheres «Man», «Society», «Nature», «Artifacts». The selection of material was made on the basis of the publication - the newspaper «Arguments and Facts. Kazakhstan» for 2023. The conceptual analysis of metaphors made it possible to state that the most highly productive is the conceptual sphere «Man», which contains the largest number of anthropomorphic metaphors. The conceptual sphere «Nature» can also be considered quite productive, in which phytomorphic metaphors, metaphors of liquid, air, fiery and light are recorded. Unproductive, but important for the characterization of journalistic discourse are metaphorical models with the conceptual spheres «Artifacts» and «Society» with criminal and military metaphors. The authors came to the conclusion that the frequency of using metaphors in texts of various subjects is not uniform: the most productive metaphorical models used in texts are rubrics about culture 43%, followed by rubrics about politics 39% and society 12%. The vocabulary that forms metaphors in the vast majority of contexts carries a positive connotation, thereby forming a positive journalistic picture of the world among readers.



How to Cite

Arsenyeva И., Pomortseva Н., & Шиндалиева, М. (2023). The role of metaphors in the formation of a journalistic picture of the world (based on the materials of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts. Kazakhstan"). Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 143(2), 126–136. Retrieved from


