Editorial policy
“Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series "
The purpose of the journal is to publish carefully selected original scientific papers in all areas of journalism.
Thematic area: historical, theoretical and applied research of journalism, public relations, journalism, publishing.
Оbjectives of the journal:
˗ organization of a platform for an open discussion for the exchange of scientific opinions, proposals and experience, contributing to the improvement of the quality of examination of scientific papers and thesis;
˗ providing the domestic and foreign scientific community with the opportunity to publish theoretically and practically significant scientific papers and the results of scientific research for the qualitative development of journalism;
˗ expanding the possibility of distributing and indexing published scientific papers in various main domestic and foreign citation bases.
˗ involvement in the professional community and assistance to young researchers in improving the quality of their papers.
The journal is intended for domestic and foreign researchers, teachers, young scientists, practitioners interested in current issues in the field of journalism.
Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Frequency: 4 times per year.
Open Access Policy. Journal articles are available to everyone (article archive link https://buljourn.enu.kz/index.php/main/issue/archive) based on the principle that free open access to research results contributes to an increase in general knowledge.
Archiving. On-line versions of the scientific journal are provided to JSC "NCSTE" for the formation of a fund and inclusion in the electronic library. The journal archives materials in the catalog of the Scientific Library of L.N. Gumilyov ENU and in Elibrary.ru.
Publication conditions. All received by the Editorial Office of the journal “Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Journalism Series”, manuscripts undergo obligatory anonymous (two-sided blind) peer review (see also Article Review Procedure). Based on the received reviews, the editorial board of the journal makes the final decision.
Procedure for the consideration of articles:
1.The manuscript submitted by the author is received by the Editorial Office of the journal (two versions of the manuscript, one of which should not contain information about the authors (name, place of work, information about the authors). The Specialist of the Department of Scientific Publications and Scientometric Resources (Editorial Office) - the journal manager - checks the manuscript for compliance with the technical requirements. Together with the manuscript, the author sends a cover letter to the editorial office of the journal (see the cover letter template) on the autonomous nature of the submitted manuscript, consent to check the article for plagiarism, inclusion in various databases and information systems, including full-text versions, in case of publication and granting exclusive rights to the publisher.
2. The Journal Manager checks the manuscript for originality through a licensed automatic plagiarism checker "Anti-Plagiarism.VUZ" (https://www.antiplagiat.ru/). Based on the results of the automatic plagiarism check, a full electronic report of the check is uploaded. Articles that do not receive a satisfactory result (the threshold percentage of originality of the article is 70%) will not be accepted for further review. The journal manager will notify corresponding author/author.
3. The journal manager sends the article, which has passed the necessary level of originality, to the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief). The Editor-in-Chief (responsible editor or Deputy Editor-in-Chief) reviews the article for compliance with the journal's subject matter. In case of non-compliance, the editorial office sends a letter to the author with a justification for the refusal to publish. On average, the initial review of an article takes 2 weeks.
4.The Editor-in-Chief (the responsible Editor for the subject area) identifies a reviewer, scholar, or specialist in the relevant subject area for each article that has passed the initial selection process.
5.The journal manager then sends the manuscript with the full plagiarism check report to the reviewer to assess the possibility of publishing the article in the journal.
6.The journal uses the procedure of double-blind review when the Editorial Office does not disclose the names of authors and reviewers. The reviewer provides the Editorial Office with a justified review of an article, including the relevance of the topic studied and the author's contribution to the scientific field, and the level of the results obtained. All reviews contain a recommendation to publish the article (with or without modifications) or to reject it. All reviews are submitted to the editorial office of the journal.
7. Then reviews are sent to the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief).
If a reviewer sends a review with comments, the journal manager sends a review of the article to the author with the note "finalize the article according to the reviewer's comments" with the consent of the Editor-in-Chief (responsible Editor in the field). So that, the author should provide the edited version of the article as soon as it is possible. Then the edited version of the article is sent to the reviewer for reconsideration. This process is repeated until the final decision of the reviewer on the article is received. In case of agreement with the reviewer's comments, but an unscrupulous approach to correcting them (after the third submission of the manuscript without completely eliminating the comments), the manuscript is rejected. In case of disagreement with the reviewer's comments, the author/authors send a letter with justification to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief, having considered the appeal of the author/authors, makes a final decision regarding the article.
8. All reviews and the decision of the Editorial Board on the article are sent to the main author (or the Corresponding Author) indicated in the article's metadata when submitting the article. All materials on the article (final version of the article, reviews, plagiarism report and other documents, if any) are presented at the Editorial Board meeting. The decision on the possibility of publishing the article in the journal is made by the Editorial Board based on the reviews. Articles that have a negative review and have been rejected by the Editorial Board are not accepted for reconsideration. If there are controversial issues, the final decision on the articles is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. On average, the decision on publication is made within 8 months.
9. The publication is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis as soon as the material is ready. The Editorial Board has the right to form a queue according to the headings of forthcoming issues.
Guidelines for authors on submitting articles to the journal "Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series.
The Editorial Office asks authors to get acquainted with the rules (journal Editorial Policy containing general information about the journal, article review procedure, guidelines for authors, publication ethics) and follow them for the preparation of papers that are submitted to the journal. Deviation from the established rules delays the publication of the article.
- The submission of an article to the Editorial Office constitutes the consent of the author(s) to the right of the Publisher, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, to publish the article in the journal and to republish it in any foreign language.
- Word-files of the article (page - A4, portrait orientation, text field on all sides - 20 mm. printing type - Times New Roman, size (point size) ) - 14): IRSTI http://grnti.ru/ - first line, on the left; initials and surname of the author(s) - center alignment, italics; full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you must put the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization; E-mail of the author (s) - in brackets in italics; title of the article - center alignment in bold) are submitted to the Editorial Office on the web-site (Open Journal System). Authors must submit two versions of the manuscript. One of them should not contain information about the authors (full name, place of work, information about the authors), as anonymized text is required for double-blind reviewing. The author(s) also need to submit a cover letter. The article files need to be titled with the first 4-5 words of the article title. (for example: 1. On teaching method of the limit - File with authors, 2. On method teaching of the limit - File without authors)
- The optimal volume of the article should not be more than 16 pages (from 6 to 16 pages). The abstract, keywords, references, information about the author in Kazakh, Russian and English are not included in the article volume. Papers exceeding the indicated volume will be accepted for publication in exceptional cases by a special decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal.
- The text of the article should begin with IRSTI (International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information; defined by the link http://grnti.ru/), then there should be stated the author(s) initials and surname, full name of the organisation, city, country, e-mail of the author(s), article title, abstract, keywords.
The abstract should contain 200-300 words. It should not repeat the article title, should not contain references to the article and references list. It should provide a summary of the article, reflecting its features and retaining the structure of the article.
Keywords (no more than 7 words or phrases) should reflect the main content of the article; define the subject area of research; can be found in the text of the article. Keywords are separated from each other by a comma.
Potential authors of the journal should adhere to the following rules on the structure of the article (introduction, methodology, problem statement, article purpose, history, research methods, results / discussion, conclusion):
- Necessary designations and definitions for understanding of the article text;
- Problem Statement, the consideration (solution) of which the article is devoted to;
- Historical information on the issue in question with corresponding full references by whom and when the results preceding the topic of the article were obtained;
- Substantiation of the necessity and relevance of the article as the most important part of any scientific work;
- Historical information on the formulation of the problem with the corresponding full references, to who and when the results were obtained, preceding the topic of the article
- Precise wording and description of the result presented in the article;
-Detailed justification of the novelty of the article result(s) in the context of the previously known;
- The presented results should be provided with detailed justifications.
If at least one of these requirements is not satisfied, the article will not be accepted for consideration.
- Tables are to be included directly in the text of the paper, they should be numbered and accompanied by a reference to them in the text of the article. Figures, graphs should be presented in one of the standard formats: PS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PCX. Point drawings should be made with a resolution of 600 dpi. The drawings should clearly present all the details.
- The reference should contain only those sources (numbered in citation order or in English alphabetical order) that are referenced in the text of the paper. References to unpublished papers, the results of which are used in the proofs, are not acceptable.
Examples of References (according to GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General Requirements and Rules"):
Book design:
а) Рубинштейн С.Л. Основы общей психологии. – СПб.: Питер.Ком. – 1999. – 720 с.
Journal article design:
б) Забродин Ю.М. Методологические проблемы исследования и моделирования функциональных состояний человека-оператора // Вопросы кибернетики. Психические состояния и эффективность деятельности. - 1983. – Т. 3. № 25. – С. 15-21. doi: …(при наличии).
Conferences proceedings design:
в) Семенова В.Г. Самостоятельная работа студентов как важнейшая форма организации учебного процесса в рамках компетентностной модели образования // Организация самостоятельной работы студентов: материалы докладов ІІ Всероссийской научно-практической интернет-конференции. - Саратов: Новый проект, 2013. – С. 10-15.
Newspaper articles design:
г) Ахметова Н. Р. Психология студенческого возраста // Педагогический вестник. -2009. – № 12. – С. 4.
Аrticle from the journal in English design:
д) Pundak D., Herscovitz O., Shacham M., Wiser-Biton R. Instructors’ attitudes toward active learning //Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects. – 2009. - Vol. 5. – P. 215-232.
Internet resources design:
e) Baldwin G. The teaching-research nexus: How research informs and enhances learning and teaching in the University of Melbourne [Электронный ресурс]. - 2005. – URL: http://www.cshe.unimelb. edu.au/ (дата обращения08.2017).
- After the References it is necessary to indicate the bibliographic data (article title, fullname of the author(s), full name of the organisation, city, country, author(s) e-mail, article title, abstract, key words) in Russian and English (if the article is written in Kazakh), in Kazakh and English (if the article is written in Russian) and in Russian and Kazakh (if the article is written in English).
- Then a combination of English and transliterated parts of the reference list is provided. The transliteration is provided using the online platform http://translit-online.ru/. This online platform does not transliterate specific letters of the Kazakh alphabet. Authors should make corrections here after transliteration of the Kazakh text, according to the following rules:
ә |
ғ |
ң |
ө |
ү |
ұ |
қ |
і |
a |
g |
n |
o |
y |
y |
k |
i |
An example of a combination of English-language and transliterated parts of the references:
Book design:
А) Rubinstein S.L. Osnovy obshhej psihologii [Basics of general psychology] (Piter.Kom., SPb, 1999, 720 p.). [in Russian]
Journal article design:
В) Zabrodin Ju.M. Metodologicheskie problemy issledovanija i modelirovanija funkcional’nyh sostojanij cheloveka-opеratora [Мethodological problems of studying operator functional state modeling], Voprosy kibernetiki. Psihicheskie sostojanija i jeffktivnost’ dejatel’nosti [Questions of cybernetics. Mental status and performance], 3(25), 15-21(1983). [in Russian]
Conferences proceedings design:
С) Semenova V.G. Samostoyatel’naya rabota studentov kak vazhneyshaya forma organizatsii uchebnogo protsessa v ramkakh obrazovatel’noy kompetentnostnoy modeli [Independent work of students as the most important form of organization of educational process within the educational competence model], Organizatsiya samostoyatel’noy raboty studentov: materialy dokladov II Vserossiyskoy nauchnoprakticheskoy internet-konferentsii, Saratov: Novyy proyekt [Organization of independent work of students: materials of reports of the II all-Russian scientific-practical Internet-conference, Saratov: New project], 10-15 (2013). [in Russian]
Newspaper articles design:
D) Ahmetova N. R. Psihologija studencheskogo vozrasta [Student psychology], «Pedagogicheskij vestnik [Pedagogical messenger]», 2009. No. 12. Р. 4.
Аrticle from the journal in English design:
E) Pundak D., Herscovitz O., Shacham M., Wiser-Biton R. Instructors’ attitudes toward active learning, Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5, 215-232(2009).
Internet resources design:
F) Baldwin G. The teaching-research nexus: How research informs and enhances learning and teaching in the University of Melbourne [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://www.cshe.unimelb.edu. au/.htm (accessed 15.08.2017).
If the source has an official translation and is also published in English, then the combination of the English and transliterated parts of the references list, it is necessary to use official translation in English.
For example, article:
Баилов Е.А., Сихов М.Б., Темиргалиев Н. Об общем алгоритме численного интегрирования функций многих переменных // Журнал вычислительной математики и математической физики -2014. -Т.54. - № 7. - С. 1059-1077.
This article has official translation in English:
Bailov E.A., Sikhov M.B., Temirgaliev N. General algorithm for the numerical integration of functions of several variables, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. -2014.- Vol. 54.- I.7.- P.1061–1078.
- Then Authors should supply information on each of the authors (full name, scientific degree, work place, address, city, country - in Kazakh, Russian and English).
Authors, who received a positive conclusion for publication, should make payment to the following requisites:
Payment for employees of the ENU – 2 000 tenge per 1 page (electronic version), 2 500 tenge per 1 page (electronic and paper versions),
Payment for outside organizations - 2 500 tenge per 1 page (electronic version), 3 000 tenge per 1 page (electronic and paper versions).
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
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Payment purpose code 859 - for the article
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Payment purpose code 859- for article
3) Articles can be paid for through the Kaspi.kz application. Open mobile application Kaspi.kz.
In the app you need to select "Payments", then "Education", then "Universities and colleges", then select the name of the university. Next, you specify the type of payment - "articles and publications", in the line "Faculty" it is necessary to specify your faculty. In the line "Course" you must write the payment for the article in the «Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series» and indicate the number of the journal in which it is planned to publish the article (for example, "1(138)/2022"; in the line STUDENT's name it is necessary to indicate the name of the author(s) of the article; in the line STUDENT's IIN the IIN of the payer (cardholder, through which payment is made) is indicated.