Kazakhstan media challenges in the context of media and government relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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  • Z.Z. Utemissov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • N.Zh. Koshkenov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


control of society, level of press freedom, theories and models of the media, principles of pluralism, media and power, crisis of mistrust, Al-Jazeera


The article examines the main aspects of interaction between the authorities and the media in
modern Kazakhstan. The main mechanisms of state influence on the media have been studied, the level of
freedom of the local press and its role as an independent conductor between society and the state have been
investigated. Due to the press reflects the system of social control through which the relationship between
individuals and social stereotypes is regulated, there are examined the main models and theories of the media
in the context of the everyday functioning of the media. The authors considered media models and theories in
terms of their relevance to the ways in which the state and the media relate to each other.
As an example, there is considered experience of Qatar state in the creation of the Al-Jazeera TV channel,
which has become the pioneer of a new formation of visual media for the Middle East. As a result, there have been
identified elements of similarity of the information environment in Qatar and Kazakhstan and the possibility of
creating «Al-Jazeera», proceeding from the realities of the political situation in our country



How to Cite

Utemissov Ж. ., & Koshkenov Н. (2021). Kazakhstan media challenges in the context of media and government relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 134(1), 37–51. Retrieved from https://buljourn.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/201


