Ecological culture as a factor in the formation of national consciousness
Views: 167
Press, Alash, civilization, culture, nation, national identityAbstract
Man’s attempts to survive were directly related to the environment. The article touches upon the problem of the environment, which worries the world. A brief review of the influence of ecology on the man’s destiny and its publications in the press is made. The issues of common ecology raised on the pages of the publication are grouped and systematized, compared with the modern press. As a result, the impact of press materials on improving the state of the environment is considered. A comprehensive study of general environmental problems raised by the periodical press of the early twentieth
century and the modern press, and the fact of the relevant topicality are studied.
How to Cite
Koigeldieva З. ., & Sak Қ. . (2022). Ecological culture as a factor in the formation of national consciousness. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 139(2), 62–70. Retrieved from