Transformation of the narrative about the Afgan war in Soviet and Post-Soviet documentaries (1980-2021)

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  • А.А. Pronin L.W. Groups S.L
  • Y.A. Mahonin St. Petersburg State University
  • A.V. Svyatoslavsky Moscow Pedagogical State University


documentaries, narrative, generation, war, hero, expressive means


The article analyzes display of narratives of participants of the Afghan war in documentaries from «perestroika» till early 2020s. The study reveals the differences between expressive means and the narrative strategies, used by documentary filmmakers, and also identifies two types of narratives about the Afghan war of the second half of the 80s: official, corresponding to the «big narrative» of the state, and alternative, based on the personal narratives of participants of war and their relatives. The transformation of narratives is reflected through a comparative analysis of post-Soviet works about the Afghan war and documentaries of the 1980s. Based on the analysis of the films, the authors hypothesize about formation of the «generational» narrative of the «Afghans» and substantiate the factors of its transformation in the context of time.



How to Cite

Pronin А., Mahonin Е. ., & Svyatoslavsky А. (2024). Transformation of the narrative about the Afgan war in Soviet and Post-Soviet documentaries (1980-2021). Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 145(4), 73–82. Retrieved from


