Interactive processes on Kazakhstan television

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  • Sh.Y. Kaliazhdarova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Z.D. Seitzhanova International IT University


interactivity, digital space, messenger, on-line mode, video library, platform


The article is devoted to interactivity on native TV channels and how the feedback process.
Establishing a connection between the viewers and the television contributes to the emergence of quality
content. From the scientific point of view, the article will examine whether Kazakhstan channels use this type
of communication and the level of adaptability to the Internet space. A raft of analysis has been conducted on
the activities of several native television channels on different platforms in order to identify the relationship
between social networks and TV channels.
In the course of this volume, the experience of interactive TV channels in global TV production will be
highlighted along with its impact on the activities of native TV channels and factors that can increase the level
of interactivity between the mass media, the audience, through communication technologies, as well as the
As the practice of TV project has demonstrated, it is important that viewers are able to make contributions
to the final TV production. In this regard, the issue of developing communication processes in the television
service will be considered increasing the demand for live and on-line broadcasts.
For today, Kazakhstan’s TV channels have revealed those factors that affect the emergence of new forms
of interaction, and the activity of domestic television has been studied in various plaftorms. In particular, the
question of the relationship between the TV channels, the social networks, the effectiveness of this relationship
has been well studied. The author also emphasizes that due to the increasing influence of social media, it is
necessary to strengthen SMM activities on TV channels and increase the requirements for specialists in this field



How to Cite

Kaliazhdarova Ш., & Seitzhanova Ж. . (2020). Interactive processes on Kazakhstan television. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 132(3), 52–61. Retrieved from


