The image of Kazakhstan in the US media 2021-2022 (based on the materials of "The Washington Post", "The New York Times", CNN)

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  • V. Rudnev A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University
  • О. Kungurova A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University


US media, Republic of Kazakhstan, image of the country, image of the state, media image, media image of Kazakhstan


The article focuses on various interpretations of the concept of "image of the state" and the practice of using its synonymous terms. The concept of image in the media space is described in detail and the role of the media in building the image reputation of the state in foreign media is revealed. Based on a wide empirical material, the image of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the publications of three well-known US media corporations for 2021-2022 is shown. All image markers and components are given in a detailed qualitative and quantitative dimension, which allows you to detect sustainable trends and problematic issues, and identify possible ways to resolve them. The article concludes that the image of Kazakhstan, formed in these media, is generally not attractive. The interest of the American audience in Kazakhstan is not great, but it noticeably increases during periods of serious political and social events, which could be seen during the introduction of the state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan in January 2022. The negative evaluative context prevails in the coverage of the activities of government institutions, domestic politics, democratic elections, while the positive one prevails in materials about sports, culture, and tourism.



How to Cite

Rudnev В. ., & Kungurova О. . (2023). The image of Kazakhstan in the US media 2021-2022 (based on the materials of "The Washington Post", "The New York Times", CNN). Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 143(2). Retrieved from


