Сrowdsourcing and the future of creative PR projects

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  • А.N. Gorodishcheva Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology


crowdsourcing, design, creative competition, Internet technologies, the problem of authorship


New information services are changing the technologies of creative
projects. Crowdsourcing is an active research area that has attracted considerable attention in
the field of computer science, business and information systems. Crowdsourcing in design
destroys the traditions of "leading style" and "authority" in creativity. Crowdsourcing creates
new "fighters" who threaten the old "guard" in many ways, ensures the disclosure of talents,
allows you to provide expert services and skills - unique talents, experience, methodology for
quickly achieving your goals, whether it is solving the problem of innovation, or designing
custom competitions. Crowdsourcing is the generation of ideas that can give a client a
competitive advantage. The conducted research on crowdsourcing in the development of
design projects shows that the key points are: mass involvement of a wide audience in
creativity, lack of leadership, payment based on the results of work. The analysis indicates that
in order to obtain a real product that satisfies the customer through crowdsourcing
technologies, it will be promising to expand communication with the consumer and design
developers. The problem remains - the protection of the designer's rights. In this article, we
present a systematic survey of crowdsourcing focusing on new methods and approaches,
improving existing and developing crowdsourcing systems. We propose to consider the stages
of outsourcing, including initiation, task design, and incentive mechanism settings. Finally, we
identify open questions and suggest possible research directions for the future.



How to Cite

Gorodishcheva А. (2022). Сrowdsourcing and the future of creative PR projects. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 138(1), 8–18. Retrieved from https://buljourn.enu.kz/index.php/main/article/view/126


