News in the modern media space

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  • B.K. Serdali



sensation, fake, longrid, lead, topic, fact, argument


News is one of the most relevant and sensational categories of journalism. It is difficult to determine the form of the news. This comes from the direct involvement of the reader in the discussion of the topic. The article will focus on the theoretical and practical issues of writing modern news. Young journalists are often worried about the difficulties of writing news. Because in most cases, the news he wrote does not suit either the newspaper or the television broadcast. The idea that "in just 15 minutes, I can write 3-4 sentences quickly" is not confirmed, and I am stuck in a dead end and sits for hours without finding a form. This is due to a deep ignorance of the basic principles of this genre. Therefore, scientific research examines the methods, theoretical and practical skills of writing news. The news is never bad (negative) or good (positive). Any necessary information presented to the reader, listener, or
viewer will be one word of news. The main thing is that it should be an actual message that is woven into a real event of informational significance. Regional TV channels have the following news directions: event-based (events, events, press conferences, briefings), broadcast (reporting meetings, scheduled meetings), summary (annual reports, reporting meetings, presentations), short (news-facts, newsquotes). Anyway, news is the most widespread genre in modern journalism. There is every reason to believe that news accounts for 80-90% of the daily newspaper content. Although the share of news in data- and fact-based publications is significantly lower in analytical publications, these news accounts for about half of publicly available publications and about 100% of news agency texts. News can also include indirect genres such as correspondence, essays, remarks, editorials, notes, reviews, blitz polls, longrides, press releases, infographics, illustrations, mini–interviews, announcements, etc.



How to Cite

Serdali Б. (2024). News in the modern media space. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 4(149), 19–33.


