Current topics of ecology in the journalism of Aizharyk Sadibekuly

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  • Z.N. Yermaganbetova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan


publicist-writer, environmental topic, scientific research


Тhe article presents the signature of the work of the writer-publicist Aizharyk Sadibekuly in national journalism. The analysis of the works of a publicist who worked in the journalism of the Syrdarya region is carried out using thematic and substantive examples. Nowadays all mankind is concerned about the environmental situation. The fate of the Aral Sea and the consequences of Baikonur are one of the most pressing issues on the agenda. In this regard, the author paid
special attention to the articles written by the writer on the topic of Ecology. The publicist was concerned about
the bright and shady aspects of relations between Russia and Kazakhstan related to Baikonur, as well as the fate
of his native land. In the course of the meeting, the head of state noted the importance of publications based on
scientific research, based on facts and facts. A. Sadibekuly’s writing skills are an example of Excellence for future journalists.



How to Cite

Yermaganbetova З. (2022). Current topics of ecology in the journalism of Aizharyk Sadibekuly. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 139(2), 28–34. Retrieved from


