Language literacy of modern regional Russian-language print media of Kazakhstan

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  • O.G. Kungurova Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov
  • T.A. Nazaruk Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov


journalistic text, orthology, level of language literacy, regional periodicals of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The article considers one of the criteria for designating the quality of a journalistic text - language
literacy. The problem of speech literacy of media texts is associated with the level of society’s culture. From the
point of view of orthology, the authors of the article refer to the materials of regional Kazakhstani Russianlanguage periodicals in order to identify their level of language literacy. Through various types of linguistic
analysis, content analysis, the texts of publications in the newspapers Kostanay News, South Kazakhstan, Ural
Week are considered and, as a result, it is stated that the level of speech culture of regional publications of the
Republic of Kazakhstan needs to be improved. It is proved that the analyzed texts contain a significant number
of various errors - more often stylistic and syntactic. Reduce the level of language literacy of texts of media and
cliches, clericalism, tautology, logical errors.



How to Cite

Kungurova О., & Nazaruk Т. (2020). Language literacy of modern regional Russian-language print media of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 132(3), 46–51. Retrieved from


