Interaction of law enforcement press services with journalists in extreme situations

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  • K.I. Tergembayeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • A.O. Esdauletov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • M.A. Slambekova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


state body, Press Service, journalist, mass media, PR


The article is devoted to topical issues in the field of social sciences, including
journalism and public relations. The problems of interaction of press services of law enforcement
agencies with journalists in the context of extreme situations occurring in the country were
considered. The work of the press service of the bodies involved in the event of an extreme situation,
especially the police, emergency situations bodies, the procedure, time of their transmission of
urgent information to representatives of traditional mass media, as well as problematic issues
were discussed. The issues of document flow between state bodies and traditional mass media were
discussed. Such problems as the late provision of official information or the refusal of the press
services of the state body to comment on the media, the lack of speakers in state bodies who freely
convey the game in the state language, were identified as the problem. Attention is also drawn to
the shortcomings in holding briefings and press conferences. The issue of the image of the press
services in the institution was taken into account. It tells about the fact that due to the delay in
official information, false information is published in society and what specific measures should
be taken to prevent it. At the same time, concrete evidence was given that the limited freedom of
the press services of state bodies, the inability to make decisions independently in an emergency,
and the strict control of their managers affect the quality of work.




How to Cite

Tergembayeva, K. ., Esdauletov, A. ., & Slambekova, M. . (2022). Interaction of law enforcement press services with journalists in extreme situations. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 139(2), 71–78. Retrieved from


