Art journalism: film art in the socio-cultural paradigm

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  • А.С. Хибадуллина Shakarim University of Semey
  • A.M. Zhumagulova Shakarim University of Semey


Art journalism, cinematography, film production, new media, industry journalism, information, cinema, television


The article talks about one of the new directions in the development of modern journalism - art journalism, as well as about the place and development of "film journalism" in providing information within this direction, cinema. Today's film production is available not only in cinemas, but also on TV, tablets and the Internet. Therefore, it is important to take into account the development of modern film production and different methods of studying the film genre, as well as the function of cinema art in the socio-cultural space. The influence of modern technologies on film production is recognized as an urgent issue. In society in general, no one can limit a person's inner spiritual need and taste. As demand grows, the requirements and tasks for teleworking grow. Television equipment is also being developed taking into account the requirements. Since it is impossible to separate the history of television from cinematography, there is a need to consider film journalism from a theoretical and practical point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to know the theoretical foundations of working with information in the development of art journalism as one of the directions of industry journalism, the development of cinematography. It is known that speech in cinema and on television forms the culture of speech in society, so it is important from a practical point of view to pay attention to the use of the possibilities of cinema, theater and new media and consider the way of a comprehensive study of screen culture.



How to Cite

Хибадуллина, А., & Zhumagulova Ә. . (2023). Art journalism: film art in the socio-cultural paradigm. Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 142(1), 112–120. Retrieved from


