Documentary and narrative methods in the work of A. Nurshaiykov (based on the writer's diary entries)

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  • L.А. Almas Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • S.A. Kalkabaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • M.B. Токтаgazin L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University



formal-stylistic novelty, factuality, narrative approach, author's concept, author's style


The article examines the documentary basis and narrative approach in the works of Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, a national writer of Kazakhstan, who introduced formal innovations into Kazakh prose with his new research. Transforming documentary and narrative techniques characteristic of the writer's work into the main object of study, the article examines this issue in close connection with the concept of authorship. The combination of documentary and artistic narration with expressiveness, the presentation of the writer's unique style are proven by scientific findings. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the documentary basis and narrative techniques in the writer’s work, as well as to show their mutual connection and the basis of the origin of the author’s concept and the author’s unique style. To achieve the goal and create a scientific hypothesis, the article focuses on identifying stylistic units characteristic of documentary and narrative approaches, contextual analyses, and preliminary conclusions on the writer's works. Scientific methods of complex research of  A. Nurshaiykov's creativity are used. The results of the study lead to the recognition of the synthesis of the documentary basis, characteristic of the signature of Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, with the artistic, authorial concept and narrative techniques. The study of such aspects, characteristic of the writer's work, constitutes the novelty of the article. Our study in this context leads to the recognition of new formal types introduced into the narrative approach of Kazakh prose and journalism of Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, expands the information on documentary-narrative approaches.



How to Cite

Almas Л., Kalkabaeva С., & Токтаgazin М. (2024). Documentary and narrative methods in the work of A. Nurshaiykov (based on the writer’s diary entries). Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series, 4(149), 164–178.


