Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series
<p><strong>Thematic area:</strong> historical, theoretical and applied research of journalism, public relations, journalism, publishing.</p> <p><strong>Рublication languages:</strong> Kazakh, Russian, English.</p> <p><strong>Periodicity:</strong> 4 times a year.</p> <p><strong>Subscription index:</strong> 76098 (Kazpost JSC catalog for 2023: ENU magazines).</p> <p><strong>Certificate of registration for re-registration:</strong> <a href="https://buljourn.enu.kz/index.php/main/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/2"><span class="fontstyle0">№ KZ07VPY00032398</span></a></p> <p>The journal is included in the list of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan</p>L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National Universityen-USBulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. JOURNALISM Series2616-7174Working principles of data journalism
<p>This article examines the development of data journalism in Kazakhstan and its practical applications. Data journalism enhances information processing by collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data. Modern tools like Python, Excel, and Tableau simplify journalists’ tasks and improve the accuracy of the presented information. Although data availability is growing in Kazakhstan, data journalism faces challenges due to limited sources or inconvenient formats. Internationally, open data portals significantly improve access to information. In Kazakhstan, the number of open data sources is increasing, providing journalists with better access to information, but the field remains in a developmental stage. Data journalism effectively conveys information not only through text but also visually, using infographics and charts for easier comprehension. The study highlights that data journalism in Kazakhstan is an emerging discipline shaped by globalization and new technologies. Its importance in the information age and its potential for further growth are becoming increasingly evident.</p>O.M. AbdikhalykА.Т. Beldibekova
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2024-12-312024-12-31414971810.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-7-18News in the modern media space
<p>News is one of the most relevant and sensational categories of journalism. It is difficult to determine the form of the news. This comes from the direct involvement of the reader in the discussion of the topic. The article will focus on the theoretical and practical issues of writing modern news. Young journalists are often worried about the difficulties of writing news. Because in most cases, the news he wrote does not suit either the newspaper or the television broadcast. The idea that "in just 15 minutes, I can write 3-4 sentences quickly" is not confirmed, and I am stuck in a dead end and sits for hours without finding a form. This is due to a deep ignorance of the basic principles of this genre. Therefore, scientific research examines the methods, theoretical and practical skills of writing news. The news is never bad (negative) or good (positive). Any necessary information presented to the reader, listener, or <br>viewer will be one word of news. The main thing is that it should be an actual message that is woven into a real event of informational significance. Regional TV channels have the following news directions: event-based (events, events, press conferences, briefings), broadcast (reporting meetings, scheduled meetings), summary (annual reports, reporting meetings, presentations), short (news-facts, newsquotes). Anyway, news is the most widespread genre in modern journalism. There is every reason to believe that news accounts for 80-90% of the daily newspaper content. Although the share of news in data- and fact-based publications is significantly lower in analytical publications, these news accounts for about half of publicly available publications and about 100% of news agency texts. News can also include indirect genres such as correspondence, essays, remarks, editorials, notes, reviews, blitz polls, longrides, press releases, infographics, illustrations, mini–interviews, announcements, etc.</p>B.K. Serdali
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2024-12-312024-12-314149193310.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-19-33Trends in the development of media literacy in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization of the media space
<p>The article examines the changes caused by the development of digital technologies and the globalization of the media space. Special attention is paid to the development of media literacy as a basic skill of a modern person, necessary for conscious consumption of information and interaction with the digital environment. The purpose of the study is to analyze trends in the development of media education in Kazakhstan and assess the level of media literacy of young people in the context of growing information pressure. The article emphasizes the strategic importance of media literacy in ensuring national security, countering manipulation, propaganda and fake information. The quantitative and analytical data of domestic and foreign research institutes on the use of the Internet and new media by Kazakhstanis are considered. The increasing role of media literacy in the context of the development of new media and the globalization of the media space is emphasized, as well as the risks associated with the low level of media literacy in Kazakh society. The results of a study conducted in a comprehensive school in Astana among students in grades 9-11 to determine the level of media literacy of schoolchildren are presented. A brief overview of the main media educational trends in secondary and higher education institutions, an analysis of the structure and content of media literacy curricula in educational institutions of the country is made. The article focuses on the need to integrate media literacy into educational processes for the harmonious development of the younger generation in the context of the development of digital technologies.</p>S.Sh. TahanА.К. Khussainova
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2024-12-312024-12-314149345010.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-34-50The concept of post-truth in the media space and political nature
<p>The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of post-truth in modern political communication. In the era of the information society, with the development of digital technologies, it is becoming more difficult to distinguish truth from lies every day. Therefore, the concept of Post-truth or "post-truth" has emerged as the most important characteristic of the modern media space and political discourse.The article analyzes the essence, etymology of the concept of Post-truth in the media space, the causes of its occurrence and political characteristics. The conclusions of Western, Russian, and Kazakh scientists are analyzed, and approaches to preventing the negative impact of the post-truth era are considered. Through real-life examples, it is proved that the lack of censorship on the Internet leads to an increase in the number of false messages distributed at different levels, and the role of facts, evidence, theoretical foundations and critical thinking in the post-truth era is also studied. In conclusion, the authors note that populist leaders often appear in the post-truth political space, who make false promises to achieve their interests and use rhetoric aimed at manipulating voters' emotions and mass media become platforms for political manipulation.</p>G.A. YessimovaG.K. Yertassova
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2024-12-312024-12-314149516010.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-51-60Thecentury of globalizationpoint of the view “Ideas of a united Turkestan” in media
<p>At the beginning of the twentieth century, in the context of the transformation of political systems, the idea of independence and independence of the Turkic-speaking states gained new impetus thanks to the active work of the Kazakh intelligentsia; In the 21st century, a similar situation arose – with new challenges and threats. Purpose: to study the specifics of the formation and development of the idea of a “united Turkestan” in the media of Turkic-speaking countries and in a number of European states by considering the problem of protecting the interests of national minorities during the period of Soviet rule in the Central Asian region. The main methods were the historical method, with the help of which the features of the activities of national liberation movements in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the twentieth century were examined, and the system analysis method, which was used to study the factors influencing the creation of the information image of “united Turkestan” in the press. The results of this work can be used as a practical basis for future scientific research and to improve the strategy for uniting Turkic-speaking states in various areas of cooperation.</p>А.В. AkynbekovaJ. TulparR.Sh. BakenovaК. Auyesbay
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2024-12-312024-12-314149617810.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-61-78The history of the formation of business journalism in Kazakhstan
<p>This article examines the history of the formation of business journalism in Kazakhstan, focusing on the initial publication of business-oriented articles in early Kazakh periodicals. It provides an in-depth analysis of materials related to the development of trade, industry, and agriculture published during that period. The study scrutinizes articles featured in Dala ualayaty's gazeti, Kazakh, newspapers, and Sholpan magazine. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, neighboring Russia experienced significant advancement in business journalism, with periodicals such as Financial Review, Life and Economy, Economic Journal, Stock Exchange Newspaper, and Russian Economic Review regularly published. In contrast, Kazakhstan lacked specialized business press at that time. However, newspapers and magazines of the period frequently included articles on economics, finance, business, and trade, as documented extensively in this scientific article. The research demonstrates, with concrete examples, that before the emergence of dedicated economic and business publications, numerous newspapers and magazines published content reflecting economic, business, and socio-political conditions. The study highlights how, during the last century, the Russian Empire introduced new political, economic, and cultural trends to Kazakh lands, which in turn influenced the development of journalism. The article substantiates, through textual analysis, that the development of business journalism in Kazakhstan began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.</p>К. RakhmetК.О. SakR.A. Shakuova
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2024-12-312024-12-314149799510.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-79-95Exploring Media Framing Typologies of Human Trafficking in Contemporary Print Media
<p>The role of media particularly print media in representing and portraying issues has become unquestionable in the globalized world. This review article explores the utilization of media framing typologies in contemporary print media. It also provides insights and deeper understanding on how modern newspapers frame issues, influence and shape public opinion, and use media framing types in today’s world. In addition to this, the review article discusses how media framing influences public perception by highlighting specific elements of a story regarding human trafficking. It particularly focuses on media framing typologies in contemporary print media Like the Astana Times, The Guardian, The Ethiopian Herald and Arab News. It finds out that prognostic frames were employed by the media to a larger extent to show that inclusive efforts and collaborations are necessary to combat human trafficking. Moreover, diagnostic frames were used to some extent to define the problems of human trafficking and to show the causes of occurrences. The newspapers employed motivational frames to construct the victims of human trafficking. Besides, attribution of responsibility frames was utilized highly comparing to a conflict, economic consequence and human-interest frames.</p>H.K. TekareA. NiyazgulovaG.K. Kiflu
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2024-12-312024-12-3141499610410.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-96-104The image of travel journalism in television and periodicals of Kazakhstan
<p>This article provides an investigation on the topic of travel journalism in domestic mass media. The article focuses on the image of travel journalism in periodicals and television of Kazakhstan. Study that underscores the increasing importance of travel journalism to public understanding of tourism, culture, and global interconnectedness. As traditional travel journalism grapples with competition from digital media, it will have to find ways to preserve its cultural and informative relevance. Based on case studies, this research analyzes the transformation of the genre within the Kazakhstan’s media space and audience perceptions, as well as the factors that formalize its growth. Through a detailed examination of the media study of leading models that exist in print and broadcast media, this study explores the impact of travel journalism as a tool for the promotion of tourism and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. The main task of the research was to analyze well-known projects of domestic travel journalism and compare them to the foreign media.</p>N.T. OzenbayevaA.K. Ishanova
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2024-12-312024-12-31414910511810.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-105-118Media image of political leaders of Central Asian countries in global media
<p>examines the fundamental aspects of the representation of political leaders in the media, positioning them as a cornerstone of a country's overall image. Given the role of the president as the primary figure shaping perceptions of the state on the international stage, the study analyzes how their statements and actions influence public opinion both domestically and internationally. The study focuses on Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, considering their historical commonalities, similarities in political trajectories, and the interaction of their leaders with global political figures. The research draws on publications from reputable media outlets covering the activities of these leaders. Special emphasis is placed on examining the personal characteristics of political leaders as an integral component of their media image. International studies highlight a growing trend in public attention toward the personal traits of leaders, which often exert a greater influence on their image than the political events themselves. Through a comparative analysis of domestic and international research, the study identifies a direct correlation between press freedom, the reliability of information, and the construction of a positive media image for political leaders. The article analyzes freedom of the press indices in Central Asian countries and their impact on the nature and content of information, particularly during significant political events.</p>A. AbylkhanovaG.SH. Ashirbekova
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2024-12-312024-12-31414911913310.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-119-133The Eurasian media space in the post-global world
<p>The article presents a meta-analysis of sources on the problem of mediatization of Eurasian integration in the post-global space. The study showed that differences in national information policies and digital development strategies inevitably lead to the desired result – multipolarity in the media space and value media discourse. The authors answer the questions of how the processes of globalization and regional integration have influenced the formation of a unified media space in Eurasia, what factors contribute to or hinder the integration of the Eurasian media space, how digitalization affects the interaction of traditional and new media in the Eurasian media space, what challenges arise in connection with the regulation of digital platforms and online content in the context of integration.</p>K.R. NigmatullinaА.К. Polyakov
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2024-12-312024-12-31414913414810.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-134-148Domestic publication or international one? The influence of government on scientists’ choice: China and Kazakhstan
<p>The article examines the results of state stimulation and financial support of scientists' publications in international journals in China and Kazakhstan. The study used data from the following databases: for China - US SCI and EI Compendex, for Kazakhstan - Scopus and Web of Science. As for domestic publications, for China - the selection standard is based on CNKI (the most complete and largest Chinese database); for Kazakhstan, such an analysis was not conducted, since the country does not have a single electronic database of domestic scientific publications. Certainly, against the backdrop of economic integration, as well as the globalization of science and technology, academic research in any country cannot be isolated from the global environment. International publication is a prerequisite for scientific development. A certain percentage of productivity of international publications is a normal need for scientific exchanges. On the other hand, according to the results of the study, the number of "domestic" publications in both countries has begun to decrease, due to the fact that leading scientists strive to publish their articles in English in rating publications, not in domestic scientific journals. The paper provides proposals for improving the situation.</p>Feng WuN.T. ShyngyssovaA.I. Skripnikova
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2024-12-312024-12-31414914916310.32523/2616-7174-2024-4-149-149-163Documentary and narrative methods in the work of A. Nurshaiykov (based on the writer's diary entries)
<p>The article examines the documentary basis and narrative approach in the works of Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, a national writer of Kazakhstan, who introduced formal innovations into Kazakh prose with his new research. Transforming documentary and narrative techniques characteristic of the writer's work into the main object of study, the article examines this issue in close connection with the concept of authorship. The combination of documentary and artistic narration with expressiveness, the presentation of the writer's unique style are proven by scientific findings. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the documentary basis and narrative techniques in the writer’s work, as well as to show their mutual connection and the basis of the origin of the author’s concept and the author’s unique style. To achieve the goal and create a scientific hypothesis, the article focuses on identifying stylistic units characteristic of documentary and narrative approaches, contextual analyses, and preliminary conclusions on the writer's works. Scientific methods of complex research of A. Nurshaiykov's creativity are used. The results of the study lead to the recognition of the synthesis of the documentary basis, characteristic of the signature of Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, with the artistic, authorial concept and narrative techniques. The study of such aspects, characteristic of the writer's work, constitutes the novelty of the article. Our study in this context leads to the recognition of new formal types introduced into the narrative approach of Kazakh prose and journalism of Azilkhan Nurshaiykov, expands the information on documentary-narrative approaches.</p>L.А. AlmasS.A. KalkabaevaM.B. Токтаgazin
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